It is time to plan for new residencies. This time, you apply from 1 September 2022 to 31 August 2023 MARK your application with: Residence 22/23. Before you fill in the application form, read our regulations carefully. Click on our page Application to find the application form and our regulations.
Send your application digitally as a PDF BEFORE March 31, 2022 to our email:
We will reply all applicants after the board’s meeting in May.
NEW FOR THIS APPLICATION PERIOD: We wish that you as an applicant artist during this application period would like to share your art and your knowledge and experiences with local people and / or other interested parties. This can for example be through a workshop, lecture, artist talk etc. This is not a requirement but a wish on our part as we want to make art more accessible to more people!
The final decision is made in communication with the artist and the residency (in good time) before the expected arrival.
A warm welcome with your application!