Bottleneck John at EMMAS

16 September, 2024

Bottleneck John Saxnäs

Bottleneck John will be at EMMAS on November 14.

Johan “bottleneck John” Eliasson was born and raised in a small Jämtland community called Lit, in the middle of Sweden. This area is also a hub for several small rivers that form a “delta”. So you can tell with a twinkle in your eye that BJ grew up in the Litsdeltat, haha!

BJ: “..I always seem to be drawn back in time and space to the Mississippi Delta circa the 1920’s and 30’s.. I guess this is the music that touches my soul the most?! It must be, I have haven’t found any music yet that can match these old 78’s in terms of soul, feeling and honesty..   What I never do is exactly copy the blues musicians and songs of the time but instead try to interpret and bring alive a nearly extinct music form for today’s audience !! It feels great to be able to offer a new old repertoire for contemporary blues enthusiasts..”

A concert that offers delta blues, hokum & spirituals with roots deep down in the Mississippi Delta of the 1920s/30s. Music that is intense, raw and full of tempo but also laid back and emotional!

A musical journey through time with songs by legends such as Robert Johnson, Leadbelly, Son House, Charley Patton and Blind Willie Johnson but also own material in this tradition-filled genre. Blues & roots music as it used to sound, a voice and acoustic instruments, a foot stomping the beat on the floor replacing the drums.

About tickets

Regular ticket price: SEK 200, Stage pass: SEK 150, Youth up to the age of 25 free entry subject to availability! Tickets can be bought on the spot with swish or advance purchase via

Text borrowed from

Dinnerclub in October

Dinnerclub in October

On four occasions until Christmas, we open our Dinnerclub, through our Heritage Fund project KRAM “Creativity, Relationships, Everyone’s equal value, Courage to be yourself”. An opportunity to gather, meet and socialize around a meal that each month’s food team creatively plans and prepares.

Now it’s almost time for the 2nd occasion!

There are a limited number of places, so pre-registration is required and it is first come, first served!

ATTENTION! The food is at cost price and payment is made to Ricklundgården’s swish.

Registration is made before Thursday 10/10 to:

Warm welcome!

Culture is for everyone

Culture is for everyone

It is not so easy for everyone to get out to various events or functions, so we took some equipment with us and visited the nursing home in Saxnäs yesterday.

~ A little lunchtime music, while the first snow of the season gently fell…

Culture is for everyone

Proudly presents Inga-Wiktoria Påve

Proudly presents Inga-Wiktoria Påve

Ricklundgården proudly presents @ingawiktoria from Lannavaara in Kiruna municipality.
Inga-Wiktoria works as an artist and paints and works with duodji.

She is also an art teacher and Sami teacher and has studied leather & textiles at the Sami education center in Jokkmokk.
“Here in the annex, I have been working on paintings that will be shown at a solo exhibition in January in Oslo.
It has been peaceful to be here and I have thought a lot about the landscape, including how people traveled by boat over Kultsjön in the old days.”

Inga-Wiktoria is with us in residence and has received a scholarship from Swedish Draftsmen.

We humbly thank you for the visit and wish Inga-Wiktoria all the best with the exhibition in Norway, we hope to see you again!

Cancellations in our studios

Cancellations in our studios

We have had a few cancellations in our studios, yes, things can arise and there can be obstacles.

Folke studio available:
December 1-27th 2024. The cost is SEK 5,500.
January 1-27th 2025. The cost is SEK 5,500.

Annex studio available:
January 1-27th 2025. The cost is SEK 5,500.

Submit your application as soon as possible to and tell us briefly why you want to work in our residence during these times.

The summer opening hours are out of date

The summer opening hours are out of date

Det har varit en bra sommar i vårt museum men nu är det tid för höst
Sommaröppettiderna är inaktuella sedan en tid tillbaka men vi tar gladeligen emot förfrågningar om guidade visningar året runt.
Dessa sker då i överenskommelse med personal på plats och helst inom ramen för ordinarie arbetstider om inte annat är avtalat.
~ Mer info om öppettider, priser och kontaktinfo hittar du här på vår hemsida ~
Kontakt/ Öppettider

På bilden visas undertecknad (Tina) i fint sällskap med @penricklund och hans mamma @bricklund från en mycket fin visning av museet och kringliggande byggnader tidigare i sommar.

Tack för besöket till er båda och till era medföljande gäster som var med, hoppas det inte blir så länge till nästa gång!

Hej! Vad vill du göra?

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